Megan Ancestors Voice

  • Awareness of how my own mind operates has afforded me a deeper, broader connection to my intuition and receptivity as a conduit. I prefer ‘Conduit’ because that’s what my Ancestors call me. Plus, there’s no telling who or what will come through with an assist, or how.

    For over 20 years I’ve worked with mentors to understand and develop my gifts and spiritual practices. As an indigenous woman (CHamoru), Native American spirituality aligned most with my soul. Growing up in Texas, there weren’t many opportunities to learn from other CHamorus about the ancient ways of our Ancestors.

    I was afforded the privilege to learn from many medicine men/women, curandero/a, shamans, and elders from various tribes throughout the Americas. As a child, I quickly learned how to connect with my intuition, animals, ancestors, and guides. I began to have visions, know things I ‘shouldn’t,’ and read a person’s aura, energy, and emotional state.

    Not long after, I became obsessed with animal medicine, spirit guides, and interspecies communication. In a house with 14 pets from dogs to parrots to iguanas, I fancied myself a little Eliza Thornberry as I spent my days communing with my animal companions.

    At 8 years old I began to study astrology and worked with mediums and psychics until I graduated high school. From there, I took a bit of a ‘hiatus’ from my gifts - honestly, I wanted to be normal and fit in with everyone else, and it led to many self-destructive habits.

    But, alas, there’s no escaping these gifts once they’re activated. I surrendered to my path and life has since been a beautiful unfolding. In 2019, I was recruited as the ‘in-house psychic + tarot reader’ for a local Houston coffee shop. That same year I began to study Human Design, which allowed me to understand with more specificity the energetics I was sensing.

    From 2021 to now, I worked as a guide for those experimenting with the Human Design System, and continued to conduct tarot and energy readings. While I still continue my journey with Human Design from time to time, my focus has shifted to healing and offering readings to those who seek me out.

  • Not to brag, but I’m kind of a natural. Maybe it’s the transferrable skills I’ve accumulated while experimenting with forms of expression that give me an edge? I don’t know, but I’m finally in a place where I can admit I’m really freaking good at what is co-created.

    What do I mean by co-create? I mean all of my inspiration comes from an outside influence. Whether it’s something a friend said, observing the way a lone leaf sputters in the wind, or it’s downloaded from the unseen world of spirits, guides and ancestors, it’s inspiration outside of myself. It’s a collaboration with the cosmos.

    Most of what comes through is in the form of a visual - a still image or a movie scene of sorts - with a hint of auditory assist. I’ll complete a project and sit back wondering, “how tf did I just do that?” That said, it’s more obvious to me how I’m a co-creator and maker, and not a manufacturer or mass producer.

  • Throughout my life I’ve engaged with and learned many forms of energy, sound, and nature-based healing practices. I will discuss this more when I begin to host healing sessions again.

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