
These offerings are about providing guidance and insight that empowers you to align with your true self and live unabashedly in your authenticity. Whether you’ve come to gain clarity around something specific, or are open to general messages, there is something for you here.

Each session is different because each person and their guides are unique. These messages are not born from my mind. They’re channeled from your aura, Ancestors, Guides, and Spirit to bring you guidance and insight around your current energy and journey.

Over the years I’ve come to realize that compartmentalizing my offerings isn’t efficient or effective. They usually blended into each other as I was called to engage different tools and resources. So, we’ve narrowed it down to a written reading, and a single 1-on-1 session to allow for expansion and freedom of transmission. 

However, some prefer our time together is dedicated to a single focus (e.g. only Human Design). If this is your intention when booking, I’m ok with that. Let me know if this is the case and I will prepare accordingly.

Areas of specialization: Energy reading, Tarot reading, Animal Medicine/Spirit Animal(s), Intuitive Healing/Guidance/Training, Spiritual Guidance, Human Design.

3+ pages (sent via email)

Receive a detailed write-up of your current energy and messages from the unseen realm. You’ll receive 3+ pages of intuited information, a tarot pull for clarity, and which animal totem walks beside you during this time.

Written Reading

1-on-1 Session

30 - 60 mins (via Zoom)

Everything in the Written Reading with the perks of real-time transmission, in-the-moment communication, material sharing, and energy work. There is also opportunity to explore more that is not usually possible in the written reading.