Channeling with Hurricane Beryl
(Original transmission: 08/08/24)
This transmission has not been altered. Whatever existing spelling or grammatical ‘mistakes’ may be someone’s particular message.
Please keep in mind that the roles of the characters may be reversed. Take what resonates, leave the rest, and feel free to revisit this down the line.
I was originally sitting to feel into the Cancer extended message before it began to feel more like a collective message. Idk, this could be for a Cancer, or not. Let me know down in the comments if something here makes sense to you!
There’s a sense here that something isn’t working out in the expected way. That things are bad or that suffering is somehow deserved. These comparisons of binaries - good/bad, right/wrong - are just ego mind games to keep people anchored into the homogenized world that many are breaking free of.
“Nothings working, everything breaks, everyone leaves. everything is doomed…” It’s creating this pessimism that’s giving more and more power to the ego mind’s projections. Feeding the ego’s victim mentality of past experiences and missing out on the present when things just are what they are. Perhaps you or whoever this is for created the suffering themself and they can’t see it or how it’s impacting the people around them.
What I’m seeing now is someone stuck looking through a microscope trying to find the big picture. Spirit alluding to how we can often grow so fixated on tiny details that we overlook large aspects of the situation that help it make sense to our ego minds. Aka tunnel vision
The necessary practice of zooming out to shift perspective is often skirted out of fear induced by a micro incident.
Something happened in the past that left residual relationship fear(s) that may be surfacing or triggered.
“Nothing aligned is manifested out of fear.”
It feels incredibly heavy and negative here. Like balls and chains attached to both legs while trying to walk up a mountain. But the key to the locks is in your hand…
“Can we let go and unchain ourselves, or is our subconscious trained to take pleasure in suffering”
There’s something here about needing to reflect on what keeps coming up in communication. It’s more about what you may not realize is continually repeated; where your perspective is stuck. It feels like it’s about a person and y’all’s dynamic.
There’s a lot of blaming here.
“Humans love to blame. It saves them from experiencing things like embarrassment or shame, or even appearing lesser than how the ego wishes to be portrayed.”
“I wouldn’t be so X if he didn’t Y”
“If she’d only done/said 2 instead of 1…”
I feel like in these moments where we feel compelled to displace blame, it’s important to ask ourselves, “what is MY part here? How have I contributed to this experience?” Take accountability for participation.
Some people will continue to attach to their usual habit patterns of thought. It helps them (really the ego) feel safe while diminishing compassion and love.
How is it that we can find compassion for those we feel have wronged us?
What they’re showing me is a group of children. On the surface, each seems happy, innocent, and full of joy. At home, though, it’s a different story.
How can we see the inner child of the seemingly dysfunctional adult? Well, it’s right there on the surface. The ways a person was confined, controlled, conditioned to fit a mold that wasn’t really them. Their inner child is right there on the surface in the ego.
There, we can see the relationships with parents and other family members. The voices that still haunt the ego into operating out of alignment for fear of consequence. We can see the fear of hurt, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment.
How can we soften ourselves, our perspective, our own ego, to see the inner child that exists in all beings; aligned or not, we’ve all got one.
How can we meet their inner child and find that compassion? How can we utilize this point of compassion to get closer to the truth of our own discomfort and dysfunction?
Oftentimes when we’re bothered by something in another, it’s because that thing is alive in us. A dis. The ego experiences dis-ease, discomfort, disempowerment when facing a reflection it wishes to disown.
“Do you see it now? Do you see how finding compassion for others guides compassion for self, even if it’s the shadow self?”
We can’t force anything in this life. We especially can’t force people to change.
It feels like there’s a need for a break from this connection. To fully unplug for a period to purge what is not yours in order to get closer to what is true for you as an individual.
“How many more storms can you weather before the mast breaks and you’re lost at sea?”
This feels like a karmic contract. As if, on every timeline, you continually find yourselves in a loop of connecting then bickering like siblings.
I get the sense that it’s never grown past this phase of altercation. It’s stuck in the toxic blame game of he said she said.
“It’s not like I can just walk away… I’m kind of stuck with them…”
I feel like that’s the point. It’s an ancient karmic contract, after all. One y’all agree to keep living out until it’s fulfilled.
The quote from Einstein is coming up: insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
So, the question now is: will you continue on this ‘it’s a small world’ conveyor belt, or will you zoom out to see there’s a whole park to play in?
More blame and justification keeps wanting to come through. It’s so subconscious, this defense mechanism, that I’m not sure if the person is aware of the toxicity they’re cultivating in their life.
It’s this feeling of justifying and blaming in order to put the other down and pedestalize themself. Yeah, ego defense mechanism. Self-preservation.
Y’all, nothing is going to change if we stay attached to the same old dance routine.
It feels like some of you may be at a standstill. This stubbornness of, “well, I’ve done XYZ to grow and develop. I’ve done this and that to better myself, now it’s their turn. They have to match my level. It’s their turn to do the work because I’m done. It’s their turn to mature.”
Do yall see how that’s not growth? How that’s not the thought perspective of an ascended being? It’s spiritual bypassing and narcissism. It’s ego inflating itself into thinking it’s bested the system and made it to higher ground when, really, it’s still wallowing in the muck.
Something about needing to stay attached to that timeline because without it you may feel you have nothing worth talking about. Maybe nothing will feel exciting or it brings you a certain kind of attention. Like somehow you’re defining yourself and everything after it based on this experience instead of letting go fully and trusting there’s more to you than this situation or person.
It’s this feeling of waiting for them to change before you do? Is this a closure thing? Idk
It’s also this energy of tit for tat.
“They aren’t maturing so why should I?”
It’s a very controlling energy. Whoever this is, if it’s you, idk, y’all may not be aware of the ways you seek to control others.
“Play alpha” scene of wolves fighting”
Seeking security through dominating others or scolding them for not meeting the standards. Very manipulative and entitled energy and I send well wishes to whomever this is because I know this isn’t their natural frequency.
Some of y’all are still very submissive and passive with this person despite the assertiveness you think you may be expressing.
“The waters are finally calm. I can’t rock the boat. Things have settled, they’re steady. I can’t stir the pot.”
Not knowing that Spirit, at any moment, can and will shake you both to your core and remind y’all of the unfulfilled contract.
For some of y’all, this is someone you’ve divorced; whether marital divorce or energetic divorce.
They still have power and all you have are complaints, blame, and justifications.
Seeing a shadow entity holding the heart of tafiti, your heart. Your brightest light, and clenching it in a tight fist.
Take this as your calling, your invitation if that’s what you need, to reclaim the parts you handed over to whoever this is.
Prayer works, but we still have a responsibility to do the work. We can’t just eat mushrooms or gossip it away. We gotta do the work in order to fulfill whatever this contract is. It’s not going to be smooth sailing. In fact, it’ll be quite torrential at this state for some of y’all. So much repressed and unsaid here.
But there’s purpose in the explosive moments as it seems like you’ve suppressed so much in order to appease this person. Not even make them happy or anything that exalted, just merely appease them enough to stay off their shit list.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
When we’re faced with aggression or dysfunction, how can we see past our own activated emotions to, again, find compassion for the other.
Spirit is saying if this is someone who is physically expressive with their emotions, aka abusive, then find support and execute that exit strategy. Yeah, for some the contract is fulfilled when you take that stand and sever the tie once and for all.
Something about “do you really want to expose the children to that energy?”
Maybe y’all had kids together. Maybe you have kids from another relationship or you have younger friends, mentees, rescued animal. Idk.
But there needs to be a claiming of responsibility and relinquishing from the ego if things are ever to change.
“Pride month is over. It’s time to cleanse in the eye of the storm”
There’s now a giddiness in the air. Perhaps it’s merely the adrenaline from sitting outside while a hurricane slowly passes through gust by gust.
It feels like, though, some of y’all will find the pure joy and bliss that resides in chaotic moments. Moments that may be charged by fear now suddenly bring excitement around opportunities of growth.
I feel like singing, dancing, losing myself in artistry. Seeing a mural which I believe came through in the monthly read.
Though, it’s a small one. Like doing the sample piece before putting it on the wall. It’s inside somewhere. For some of y’all it’s not even actually on the wall but on a canvas curtain or something that’s pinned taught.
Some of y’all may feel tempted to amplify this giddiness. Or try to find ways to stay in it, to make it last.
That’s one of the beautiful things about emotions, they’re temporary and bring color and texture to an otherwise bland and flat life.
How can we truly understand and know joy if we’re not also acquainted with despair?
“Have you ever seen a hippie howl at a hurricane?”
Smelling the ocean and hearing rolling waves
“Aren’t y out worried about these blowing away?”
“…it’s just wind…”
There’s something here about expectations.
Expecting others to match energy. Feeling shocked when people aren’t like you, but not in a negative way. Just a subtle kind of jolting out of an illusion or something. Seeing a mirror crack, or glass. Like picture frame glass and it’s a photo of someone blonde with a middle part. Known for the middle part?
But, yeah, it’s similar to the former reading where expectations, projections or opinions are being challenged in order to awaken something inside.
There’s something calling out in the distance. A conch in the south as the cardinals awaken to this blue gray storm. Is it even that, though? It’s windy af, but in a intense yet gentle kind of way? Maybe that means something to someone.
Wind is moving everything around, some more excitedly than others who are merely nudged
“The taller it stands, the more vulnerable it is to the flow of life.”
“Get off your high horse”
Cold fingers
Looking for soming, searching for something. Anticipating an arrival that may not make its way over.
Labyrinth like a hedge maze or rock spiral meditation circle of sorts but there’s two paths that lead straight to the center yet all but a few chooses to take the unknown path because they don’t know about the path of least resistance that leads to the core
Seeing a professor in an auditorium classroom giving a lecture
He says, “Its interesting how…”
Then everyone waiting for them to elaborate but he never does. Just keeps them in suspense until they lose interest and leave the classroom
They don’t realize that the silence and its effect on people is what’s interesting
Song: It feels so good sonique; ddr days
“And that’s what takes me high / (higher than I’ve been before) / and your love, it keeps me alive / (thought I should let you know) / that your touch it means so much / (when I’m alone at night) / it’s you I’m always thinking of / oh, oh, baby”
Someone is in looooove. Either you’re in love or someone is in love with you. Some of y’all this is just pure lust and infatuation and it’s a moment of learning about temptation and seeing through ego illusions.
“Do they reciprocate those feelings or is it unrequited and things have been built up to mean something it doesn’t?”
This is starting to feel pretty obsessive and idk if it’s healthy or not. It’s like this person is putting sooo much importance on the counterpart to sustain the elevated, feel-good emotions.
Wind moves in pretty much the same way as water the way that it ebbs and flows, glides and crashes. Is air just unseen water and we’re all just land fish. We’re not. We’re not land fish, or are we?
“Salt of the earth, baby”
Test of endurance and character
“The seedlings are perky today”
Leaves gently flowing e in a big gust
“You don’t have to move faster just because everything around you is”
Back to Professor of Silence 101
This dude,
There’s just one student who understands “todays lecture”
Huge limb fell off tree in s, quick pop
“Things are kicking up”
There’s something so confronting about all of this
Hearing and feeling the wind roll in like waves and seeing it crash in the third eye I love seeing sound
Or is it just a special spacial awareness thing
Might be something there
“Will you be ok living as the nameless muse?”
Theres something really confronting
Big lightening in sw
Someone walking through a field sees it, stares in that direction and says,
“Where’s the clap?” Frozen with anticipation
The journalist, or storm chaser, who just wants to wait one more moment, but define a moment
Minds concerned with the material. - getting footage, more ego stuff.
Storm turns into a tornado
“I wonder if we should…”
“It’s a matter of safety at this point”
In what people or relationships do we put importance on as where we receive empowerment? What happens when they disempower or detach from us? How do we remember and bring forth in ourselves the empowerment that person was reflecting back to us?
What other areas empower us and support our momentum, whatever that looks like?
Seeing the granite quartz as a cartoon man with a wicked stache
there’s a loud sense of separation inside the house. The illusion of protection offered by the enclosure also insulates us from the outside world, from what’s really going on.
“Turn off all the lights before everything is fully awake. Ease into it.”
dimmer switch
maube alluding to the pea pole around you and the ways you potentially ease into showing your authentic self? Idk this isnt’ for me to figure out
knocking on the roof
”Just one moment, please. I’m almost finished with this thought.” Woman
leaky window in the bedroom
omething here about coming together
Read ^ as omenthing
doesn’t feel very supported energetically right now
”Gotta shift around the schedule a bit to get to her”
“nothing is forced in manifestation.”
back to the stuff about fear and manifestation from the karmic relationship at the beginning
another thud on the roof with little knocks
this time they hide
Leaky windows again
Someone’s working really hard and really stressing and pressurizing themselves to “power through” their tasks
pitter patters in the heart
is this stress about a person?
I don’t like this energy
Moving on
Apparently not. This person is working so much and doing the most for everyone around them that they aren’t rending to their basic needs. They’re really stuck in the mind and aren’t aware they’re a dehydrating fish out of water? Little inclines of addictions coming through intuition; attention, praise, intimacy, passion etc, how we receive and why or if we even desire them or crave them?
Ego stuff
self-abandonment to people please
mycelium metaphors incoming
“yeah, the trees give to each other for many reasons, but it’s up to the tree to receive nourishment and grow itself and its reserves in order to continue giving to others.”
“put down your pride”
what was that earlier? “Pride month is over”
”This all seems so scripted”
”your opinion matters, but not really.”
“3rd person: even talking downloads, speaking what comes through can be deemed scripted if you think about it”
ok, moving on
Smells, importance of smell
getting the fragrance just right
”gotta smell right to be right, for her.”
But I spent all my energy psyching myself up for this moment
and now I just have to nap, i need to sleep or I wont remember a got dang thang
this snoozy bear is leaving a kind of excited borderline frantic crowd looking ready for hibernation. Zoned out except for the thought of resting in order to feel refreshed before “presenting himself to his lady”
he wants to hear “don’t you clean up well”
hunger for her
”gut instinct approved” with a thumbs up burger stand dude that feels like covert propaganda. Cultish.
”Don’t tell me what my gut says, you don’t know that, punk”
she’s not wrong
it’s sus
The mysterious origins of the hunger
”Where is it coming from?”
Who will it serve
on a platter
so maybe this is about not forcing yourself to power through in order to come together with this person, but tending to and nurturing yourself and watching attraction unfold.
all of the lights just came on and disappointment is here.
I want to continue this journey in the dim cast of the storm’s light.
fluttering eyes or eyelids, idk
look into eye health or maybe if you have seizures idk, not a medical professional and I’m not giving medical advice
This want to be in the shadowy cast of the storm and experiencing discomfort in the light is illuminating something, though.
The ways we can potentially self-sabotage when we’re on the brink of change, growth, shifts, evolutions, etc.
Especially if it’s not unfolding according to the ego mind’s liking.
App addiction - watch out for the skins and shirts
Blown tire
An unexpected flood that’s not unwelcome
Stones revenge
P p
Someone at the doctor or hospital who’s realizing “I want there to be something wrong so I can understand why it is I’m suffering in life”
Don’t realize what’s out there waiting for them because they followed the Hurd on the way to pasture with pretty little boxes on the hillside
Does anyone else feel like more and more of what used to bring joy and comfort is no longer? The relationship with the material and materialism is shifting and each persons pendulum swings in its own way. Some current / surrender to the flow and trusts each phase as it moves. Others surrender to the ego minds convincing argument of “well I guess nothing brings me comfort anymore. Just forever in ennui.” And may feel depressed or hopeless.
“chasing the high”
Of course these are the extremes at each end of the spectrum.
“Checks and balances”
Some people we meet on our spiritual journey aren’t guaranteed a place to walk alongside us. This doesn’t mean it must be earned, either.
i can feel more there, just. below the surface, but it lingers in waiting. And so shall I for it to emerge. Plus I’m tired ok love you bye