New Moon: Gemini

There’s a longing present in the air. For some, it feels like a longing for something/someone, who is just out of reach. For others, it feels like a longing for something/someone from the past that is no longer present, or as consistent as it once was. Regardless of what’s coming into focus, there’s an importance put on communication - especially with the self. It all feels very Yin vs Yang…

How often do we tell ourselves lies for the sake of keeping up facades or to avoid the confrontation of truth?

How often do we lose ourselves with a furrowed brow to seriousness, instead of finding the lighthearted joy in what we’re engaged with?

Is it possible to laugh at our truths, even if it weighs heavy on our hearts? I’d say so.

Is it possible to continue to discover the ways that we’re mutating and shifting in what our minds are convinced were healed and solidified? IMO, absolutely.

Perspective is a funny thing, and I get the sense that this New Moon in Gemini - with a slew of other planets - is calling for a great shift in perspective. This shift will initiate a domino effect that will then transform the ways we show up and engage with the world around us. BUT, it all starts with the self and the way you treat and speak to yourself.

What inner dialogues, thought loops or patterns, are keeping you stagnant?

How can we observe these with grace and a willingness to deeply understand them?

Where are we clinging to comfort or regressing when we’re met with discomfort?

The current planetary configuration is showing me that it’s time to move forward into uncharted territory. The discomfort is the point right now. It has purpose, even if we don’t see it. 

How often do our minds convince us that if we just strategize enough, organize enough, plan enough, that everything will manifest exactly as we envision it? How often do we attach to those notions of ‘if I just ____ enough, then it will go my way,’ and meet disappointment and/or confusion?

Our subconscious is calling for attention in order to enact these great shifts in being. Now may be a great time to ask those close to you if they’ve observed any ‘negative’ patterns or behaviors that you may be overlooking or blind to. It’s not a comfortable process, but growth cannot occur without some friction, some discomfort.

The mind is funny that way. 

“Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t” comes up for me here. In this case, familiarity is the ‘devil you know’ and the discomfort of growth and shifts is the ‘devil you don’t’ know. 

A Sun Tzu quote is also coming up:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

The enemy as the subconscious that’s asking to be known so we can align and co-create synergistically with Spirit. It’s not as difficult to know thyself, the conscious self, for most who walk the spiritual path. It’s not rainbows and butterflies, either. It’s gruesome at times when we’re presented with something our ego-mind has suppressed out of self-preservation.

It’s even more difficult to know the subconscious, though. Once we open ourselves up to observing the subconscious, it becomes predictable. In this predictability, we can open ourselves up to opportunities we’re gifted to alchemize our blockages and shadows, and create new behaviors that allow us to feel into our path and manifest our heart’s desires - not the mind’s desires.

How do you know yourself and your subconscious?

How do you differentiate the heart’s desires from the mind’s?


Weekly Energy


A Storm’s Magic