Weekly Energy

At exactly 12:34am I was pulled out of a peaceful dream by the sound of my dog pacing around. There’s a kind of spiky intensity in the air right now. I keep seeing a sea urchin where the spikes represent our ‘ordinary state.’ Our predominant, whether a facade or natural, way of showing up in and engaging with the world. The parts of our true self that can’t help but live on the surface and the defense mechanisms developed by the mind to maintain its sense of reality and who it thinks it thinks it is. 

The rest of the body, the parts that meet the base of the spikes, are the parts we protect and keep hidden, even to ourselves. The shadow side, the subconscious, the projections, the alternate perspectives, the true self, all hidden and protected by these spikes. Here also lies the roots of our compulsions, desires, and fears. 

The last few days, though, it’s as though the spikes have turned inward and the body is now spiking out. The phrase, “showing their true colors” keeps coming in.

People are waking up to the nature of their relationships and bonding strategies. They’re tuning in to how they feel in the relationship despite any logic conjured up by the mind. They’re moving through their own crustiness to reach their respective cores and cleaning house; whether consciously or not, materially or not. 

Some are still controlled by the ego-mind games of arrogance, pretentiousness, and entitlement. Hoarding. Deeply attached to their possessions, perspective and thought patterns. 

“Grab a candle” 

With every ending it’s simultaneously a new beginning. The candle just went out for a moment, but the flame slowly found its grip again. “One must meet with darkness and turn it into light. Some will crackle and shatter, but that’s how the light begins to shine.”

There’s been relationships ending and beginning left and right. I keep being brought to this image of people exasperating their ‘drama’ and publicizing it on platforms. All I see is the ego-mind, though. That entity that creates the distance from our core to keep us trapped in homogeneity with the should’s, need to’s, and have to’s. So much ego coming off of these people. “They need to tell their story the loudest so that they’re postured as the victim but many of you will see and sense their fear.” 

Coyotes howl in the south. “Their mother wound is triggered and the trickster has come to play. Either they will begin the healing and unanchor from their ordinary reality and thought patterns, or poison themselves as they attach to them more deeply.”

I don’t understand the point of making public a private matter. “All inspiration is initiated by the external. Content creators forget that what they post is no longer owned solely by them, but acts as inspiration for others. Whether it’s to act as a catalyst for growth and change for the betterment or demise of something, it elicits a kind of inspiration. Talking points to further conversations.”

I keep getting pulled to podcasts and YouTube videos. We live in a culture where we watch people react to others’ content. There’s people out there whose fears, desires, and compulsions are fueled by the ambition to go viral and be known. Yet, maintain such a heavy grip on perspective and a contrived outcome when others disagree or challenge what they post. 

This “these people are attacking me for speaking my truth!” Or, “I’m being bullied for what I said!” As if their agenda to play the victim will form an army to defend them. “Some do, they build an army through shared misery.”

Let’s release this storyline and sit with another.

The slow fade is another ending recently. The recognizing that there is no longer resonance. The recognizing that “Well, nothing happened. We didn’t get into a fight and nobody did anything wrong or hurtful… so why does it feel differently?” 

“Remember that many relationships are seasonal and that we will meet more leaves than limbs, and leaves naturally fall away.”

There’s a few who are stuck in the mind with these slow fades. The mind is trying to find a reason for why the resonance is not what it once was. The mind wants an excuse, a justification for the shift. Does it need one, thought? Does we truly need a reason to trust that the relationship has come to completion, to know that we’re being asked to separate and go a different way? Even if just temporarily? To understand that we’re being prepared for something else, maybe even someone else. Or will our minds drive us into creating problems where there aren’t any?

“Control, control. Control. We will be seeing a lot of people struggling to let go of their need for control in order to feel safe and secure in this world. For a time, we will see a side of people that is being asked to evaluate their motivations. Whether they move into that introspection, or act on mind chatter depends on the individual. Some will follow Spirit, some will follow Ego. Some will use this energy to better themselves and others. Some will use this energy to self-serve a need for importance built on the backs of those they claim they love.”

It’s not all doom and gloom, crisis and chaos, or defeat. While it feels like many people will deflect and attach to a victimhood mentality or stay in relationships/places long past their expiration date, there’s the flux. Those who’ve come forward with the purest kind of love and compassion. 

It feels like we’ll be meeting a softer side of some people. One full of compassion and empathy. The ones who are aligning with Nature and her natural rhythms. The ones familiar with the emotional waves and hold space for the spectrum of possibilities and potentials. The ones who are healing themselves to then ripple out and heal all that they encounter - even if through provocation. 

“After all, it’s their soul’s vocation and they were born to be pros at it.”

“We will see all of these energies more prevalently in children, and the adults who are still mentally and emotionally immature. This is said not to shame or judge, but to spread awareness. To shift perspective and grow compassion for those who still wander lost in the woods, unable to hear the wisdom of the trees.” 

Things are not so black and white, though. This is all a spectrum and some of us will witness ourselves expressing immaturity and awareness simultaneously. I hope everyone is able to find grace and lightheartedness in these experiences. I hope we can laugh at ourselves when we’re met with Coyote medicine. After all, the coyote doesn’t come to torture us, but to help us grow aware of what we’re blind to. The coyote wants us to laugh with him/her. 

They want us to reflect and have that face-palm moment of “oh my gosh, how did I not see this” with humor and gratitude. Gratitude because, without these experiences where we “could’ve been/done better,” we would not be who we are. We would not be humans who are afforded an infinite number of possible experiences and a plethora of emotional spectrums that guide and teach us on our journeys. 

“Back to every ending is simultaneously a new beginning.”

Each time we’re asked to let go of something or someone, we’re creating space for what it is Spirit wants to gift us; “a blessing in disguise.”

I see someone in a barren landscape, stuck straddling a pond in a thunderstorm. They know they need to ground themselves on one side, and one side is in fact calling them. But, they still long for the potential and possibilities that live on the other side. Though, their subconscious knows that the other side was on a timer. They could only dance this way for so long. 

If and when they ground themselves on the side that’s calling to them, the rain slowly dissipates. Light begins to peek through the clouds and they’re met with a radiant warmth. The fields begin to fill with blooming flowers and the trees burst with leaves. The land is full of prosperity and nourishment. It is once again the home they thought they’d never see again.

This speaks to an inner division. Someone stuck in the mind trying to force something to work when everyone involved knows how it will end. For some this has to do with another. Each person sees what’s waiting for them in the next leg of the journey. But, to get there they must go their own way, their separate ways. 

For some, this is about a potential change of location or job. Maybe even a change of location for a job. 

“No matter the focus, don’t get distracted by the mind’s compulsion to measure and decide based on the scientific method guessing game; if this, then that. There is only following your intuition and following where the flow of life is moving you. 

434 = 11

“Good fortune is trying to make its way to you. Don’t pass it up because of fear, familiarity, and logic. Take the leap, you know you want to…”

That’s it for today. I hope we all flow with wherever life is carrying us, even if it’s not what the mind wants. I hope that we can all find grace and gratitude for ourselves and others no matter what we’re met with. I hope that we all trust the guidance of ancestors, guides, and Spirit. I hope that we all remember that no matter how brutal an experience we’re met with, that it’s preparing us for something beyond our wildest dreams.


A Storm’s Magic

